With a combination of culture and entertainment, Zee Talkies has been successfully entertaining Indian audiences since its inception. Keeping in line with its brand philosophy, the channel takesits value proposition to every Marathi household, with the introduction of the grand sport entertainment platform ‘MaharashtraKusti League with the tagline of ‘Takadichikustianimanoranjanachimasti’. Zee Talkies has always entertained audiences with differentiated movies and entertainingshows concepts. With the introduction of the ‘Maharashtra Kusti League’, Zee Talkies brings its viewers a sporting extravaganza that is fundamental to the essence of the Maharashtrian heritage. Hon Mr. Sharad Pawar President National Congress Party and Head of the Maharashtra Wrestling Federationalong with Shri Subhash Chandra, Member of Parliament, Rajya Sabha graced the event with their presence and addressed members of the media.
BaveshJanvalekar, Business head Zee Talkies and Zee Yuva said, “Wrestling (Kusti) is an integral part of the Maharashtrian legacy and is intrinsic to most household from the region. With young men having grown up in the wrestling culture, many have become professional wrestlers that have won accolades for the state and the nation. Zee Talkies has launched this prestigious platform,to build admiration for this traditional sport and to ensure that it reaches every single home in Maharashtra.We hope that through this initiative, we will bring focus to players who will not only be able to represent the state and country in the upcoming 2020 Olympics in japan in 2020, but also bring fame and pride to the wrestling fraternity of the country.”
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