Mr. Perfectionist Amir Khan recently visited sets of Zee Marathi’s Chala Hawa Yeoo Dya for the promotion of his NGO Pani Foundations “Water Cup” initiative. This event was organized in the three talukas last year. This year, the event will take place in more than thirty talukas. Along with Amir, Kiran Rao, Satyajit Bhatkal and renowned water expert Dr. Avinash Pol were also present for this program. The show will be telecasted on 27th and 28th March on the occasion of Gudhi Padwa at 9:30 pm on Zee Marathi.
As the show will be telecasted on the occasion of Gudhi Padwa, Amir celebrated the Marathi new year by erecting the traditional Gudhi on the sets of Chala Hawa Yeoo Dya. Do not forget to watch these episodes on Zee Marathi on 27 and 28 March at 9:30 pm.
After hosting a program like Satyamev Jayate, Amir has started taking interest in the social causes. He has started a competition to save water, and to increase the storage of water in draught-affected areas. Amir passionately tells audience about his experiences from these talukas and how simple water harvesting techniques are making their life easier during hot summer. Various villagers also narrated their experience about this water cup.
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