We have been hearing about music releases of Marathi films either being held in Mumbai, Pune or other big cities of Maharashtra. But, the music release of forthcoming Marathi film ‘Rairand‘ was held in Chinchwad, Pune, that too on the platform of Pimpri Chinchwad Mahanagar Salesman Union. While releasing the music of this film, Beti Bachao Andolan Chief Dr. Ganesh Rakh said that if the child labour turn towards education, after watching this film, it will be a biggest award for this film, which will be much bigger than the Oscars. Many dignitaries along with the entire star cast of this film were present on this occasion.
‘Rairand‘ has been produced by New Talent Search Movies and Samruddhi Movies and was shot in Puntamba in Nagar District of Maharashtra. The film throws light on the lives of Wanderers and child labourers in Maharashtra . There are two songs in this film, penned by Ashish Ningurkar and Bhavesh Londhe and music has been provided by Vikas Joshi. The film stars Anant Jog, Ranjit Kamble, Shyamkumar Shrivastav, Ashish Ningurkar, Karan Kadam, Anand Wagh, Ajit Pawar, Pravin Bhabal, Sunil Jain, Suresh Dabhade, Rekha Nirmal, Gorakh Pathare, Zakir Khan, Nana Shinde, Santosh Choradia and Anurag Ningurkar.
Speaking about this film, writer Asish Ningurkar said, “Music plays very important role in Marathi films. And I am sure, the two songs in this film would appeal to the audience. Subject of this film being on social issue, we will be visiting foreign countries, to create awareness about this film’s subject among Marathi people living abroad. “
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