Priyanka Chopra and her production house, Purple Pebble Pictures proudly announced their next offering, Ventilator, produced by Madhu Chopra and directed by Rajesh Mapuskar beginning this year. Ventilator is a family entertainer featuring a sterling ensemble cast that includes veteran Marathi film and theatre actors. The movie is currently into its post-production stage.
Having worked as an Associate Director with filmmaker Rajkumar Hirani on successful films including Munnabhai series and 3 Idiots, Rajesh made his directorial debut with Ferrari Ki Sawaari (2012), and now the writer-director is set to make his debut in Marathi film industry with Purple Pebble Pictures’ Marathi film, Ventilator.
Writer-director Rajesh Mapuskar adds, “I’m grateful to Priyanka Chopra and Madhu Chopra for backing my Marathi debut, Ventilator, which is a fun, festive and family film. The film features several eminent actors of Marathi film industry.”
The release date of Ventilator will be revealed by the makers soon.
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